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"La Vision Projet" by IQar

Count on 360° support and discover IQar's well-equipped platform.

“High-performance companies select and execute their best projects efficiently.”

Stéphanie GERMAIN & Érick ATHIER

IQar Co-founders

Ancre 1

SMPP Framework

SMPP is the only French language Project Portfolio Management framework certified by Bureau Veritas Certifications.


23 best practices to assess and develop your project management maturity.  


Test your  project management maturity

Less than 15 minutes to get an objective overview of your corporate projects and get started on your action plan.

Take an objective look at your project management maturity and equip yourself ith arguments to support buiding a performance culture around your projects.

maturity test repport

Team up with Matt

Matt, your indispensable ally in project management, with certified PMP and Scrum Manager expertise, and in-depth knowledge of the PMBOK guide.


Your guide at every stage of your project management journey.

Matt IA SuitePro-G

SuitePro-G Pocket 
Time, simplicity, and mobility - all in your pocket!

Turn your smartphone into a true professional dashboard with SuitePro-G Pocket.
With SuitePro-G Pocket, you have the power to:
- Manage your time allocations with just a swipe of your finger
- Fill out your timesheets quickly
- Advance your tasks with astonishing simplicity

google play suitepro-g pocket
app store suitepro-g pocket

Subscribe to IQarTube!

Keep up with the latest SuitePro-G features and learn more about project management with our educational videos.

In short, subscribe to our YouTube channel!


Try SuitePro-G, you'll love it!

Try SuitePro-G for 30 days!

IQar has been a Pure Project Player for more than 15 years and publisher of the SuitePro-G solution 100% made in France


Email :
Phone : +334 37 58 49 93
Direction : 126 Rue Bugeaud, 69006 Lyon

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