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10 features that will make you fall in love with SuitePro-G! Part 1

Author: Yohann Romand, Senior Consultant in Project Management,

IQar - Project Portfolio Management Consulting firm and SuitePro-G publisher

Looking for a software to help you improve your project management technique, but don't know which one to choose?

You won't hesitate for a second after reading this article!

Some software is very comprehensive and offers a wide range of features but it can be costly and difficult to implement, especially if you only use a part of it. Others are more specialized, such as a collaborative solution, but not sufficiently developed in other aspects such as multi-project management.

SuitePro-G is a pragmatic, comprehensive, economical and methodological tool. It is the ideal solution to assist you in managing and launching your projects.

Do you have any doubts? The five features listed below will persuade you!

1 / A customizable tool to fit your language and practices !

A large number of fields are completely customizable to correspond to your designations, such as the title of the key players in the project, the phases of project progress, etc.

If you don't want to use certain features for your project management, such as program editing or scoring, you can deactivate them with a single click. If you already have a preset framing note, you can use the same one in SuitePro-G. Create as many properties as you want to filter and refine your analysis and management (drop-down list, date, numeric integer, etc...).

Framework sheet for internal projects

2 / An approach for each project and person!

Are you looking for a project, a list of projects or do you want to see the resource load plan, and how many pilot projects does Mr. X have as a project manager?

SuitePro-G combines this dual approach that allows everyone to quickly access the information they need, in order to create a unique user experience !

SuitePro-G roadmap, Gantt chart

3 / Integrated, interactive, customizable planning!

Increase project planning efficiency by converting a complex project into a simple and expressive action plan!

Use our 3 interconnected tools WBS (Mind Mapp) / Gantt Chart / Kanban Board in responsive and interactive mode!

Kanban board in SuitePro-G

By proposing predefined action plan templates, you will be able to save time for project managers and harmonize practices for similar or recurring projects!

4 / A collaborative tool to stay alert!

Synchronies your professionnel email via Outlook for example with SuitePro-G, enable notification or email alerts, and improve responsiveness and efficiency as your projects progress !

Notifications in SuitePro-G

5 / An integrated documentary space

Keep track of all types of documents related to each project so you can share them with all recipients!

Document import

Have you been persuaded by these 5 initial characteristics? So, don't wait any longer and request a software demonstration! Demo request for SuitePro-G

Still not sure? We'll see you soon for the 2nd part on our PPM features, that will surely convince you!

Looking for simple and efficient project management solution? IQar has designed and developed SuitePro-G, a project portfolio management software for profitable and operational management of your projects!

Try SuitePro-G, you'll love it!

Try SuitePro-G for 30 days!

IQar has been a Pure Project Player for more than 15 years and publisher of the SuitePro-G solution 100% made in France


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